Health & Fitness

Best Quality Gym Wear for Workouts

For an effective workout at home, you may think you need a big array of equipment to get a decent workout during the pandemic but that is not the case. All you need is a timer, the comfort of your own home, and a hard work ethic.

Give yourself the best chance of an optimal & effective workout

A huge key in the performance of your workouts is the Gym Wear you use. Ensure you are in an outfit that makes you feel comfortable. You shouldn’t have any restrictions when performing exercises, whether it be at home or bodybuilding at the gym. Otherwise, the execution and effectiveness of your workout will not be living up to its full potential.

You will need to wear gym apparel that allows you the freedom to move around without restrictions. There is nothing worse than performing a grueling workout just to have the clothes you are wearing make it that much more uncomfortable.

For example, trying to perform jumping squats in thick, stiff joggers is just a recipe for disaster (and chafe) Comfortability and range of movement is paramount for ensuring a safe and effective workout.

So what is HIIT?

HIIT is short for High-Intensity Interval Training, and it can be worked around all manners of exercises. While this exercise routine will give you ideas on a body weight comprised of HIIT workout, HIIT can also be performed while cycling, running, weight training, and much more.

Just as long as you can incorporate the high-intensity intervals combined with minimal rest periods. It is worth noting that some ways are less dangerous than others. For example, throwing down all your efforts on an exercise bike is far less dangerous than doing heavy barbell squats.

You will not want to be performing HIIT workouts every day as it will put a strain on your muscles and joints. Recovery is vital and you may find yourself with the oh so satisfying case of the DOMS (we love to hate them but we hate to love them)

While ‘hard work’, short rests’ is the essence of HIIT, there are a few variables that can change the nature of your HIIT workout quite drastically.

Variables of HIIT

The first 2 are your work and rest periods. Working (performing the exercise) for 20 seconds and resting for 40 seconds opposed to working for 40 seconds and resting for 20 is a hell of a lot different. Shorter work periods are generally better for working on explosive power whereas longer work periods are better for endurance.

The intensity of your work periods can differ also. Although you need to be pushing hard, you also need to be able to sustain that level of effort throughout the working period. Therefore just ‘going all out’ is not the be-all and end-all. An easy way to calculate this is to do a test run.

Test your effort level and time it, adjust time or effort level to generate consistent workout periods. Knowing your target heart rate or incorporating RPE (rate of perceived exertion) into your workouts will give you a greater understanding & higher level of control.

Another variable to consider is the style of rest you do – Will you stop completely? or will you engage in active recovery? Such as a slow peddle on a bike or on the spot jogging. These will be dependable on your Fitness level or goals. The latter of the 2 options will help keep the muscles warm while flushing out metabolic waste in the form of lactic acid.

So let’s get into it…

Beginners workout

If you are fairly new to working out then I would suggest giving this routine a go. Perform this 2-3 times a week for around 4 – 6 weeks to ensure your body and the cardiovascular system adapts to the efforts. You can then move on and increase your volume and effort levels to suit your progression.

Exercise 1: Body weight squats – Keep your chest ups, neutral back position, and face forward. Place feet around shoulder-width apart.

Perform this exercise for 20 seconds with a 40 second rest period to follow.

Exercise 2: Box Press-ups – These are like normal press-ups but you have your knees on the ground throughout the movement. Ensure back is straight with your head in alignment.

Perform this exercise for 20 seconds followed by a rest period of 40 seconds and then on to exercise 3.

Exercise 3: Jumping Jack or Star jumps as she of you may know it. Keep your chest up and back straight ensuring correct posture throughout.

Perform this exercise at a ‘hard effort level’ for 20 seconds. Rest for 40 seconds and move onto exercise 2.

Exercise 4: Crunches/sit-ups – Perform this exercise for 20 seconds with a 40 second rest period to follow.

That is 1 round done which should amount to 4 minutes in total. Repeat these 4 exercises 3 times round to create a total workout time of 12 minutes.

This will get your heart rate up, get you breaking a sweat, burn some right calories, and most importantly increase your cardiovascular system which is ultimately your health and well being.


Exercise 1: Press-Ups – Maintain correct form throughout.

30 seconds on > 45 seconds rest to follow.

Exercise 2: Jumping Squats – Really drive up through the squat with maximum power (make sure your head is clear of the ceiling)

30 seconds on > 45 seconds rest.

Exercise 3: Mountain Climbers – Correct form throughout with a solid core base.

30 seconds on > 45 seconds rest.

Exercise 4: Burpees – I can’t stress enough the importance of strict form.

30 seconds on > 45 seconds rest to follow.

Exercise 5: Sit-Ups / Crunches

30 seconds on > 45 seconds rest to follow.

You can repeat this workout as many rounds as you like. I suggest trying to complete 2 rounds at first and see how you get on. Like anything, progress takes time so don’t be disheartened if you are struggling at first. Once you can go 2 rounds, due to the size of each round, try adding one exercise at a time after that.

Adding a whole 5 exercise round will be too much of a jump. Keep pushing yourself to create adaptions and progression. After just 3-4 weeks you will notice the difference in your strength & fitness there is no doubt.

The key take-homes are:




With that being said, let’s get to work 😀

Tri-Set Breakdown.

Rounds: 3

Reps: 8

Rest: 15 seconds

Exercise 1. Decline press-ups


Primary: Upper pectoral

Secondary: anterior deltoids & triceps.

The core will also be worked by ensuring the body is kept straight and stable.

For this exercise, you can use either the stairs, a chair, end of a sofa, etc. As long as it’s stable and comfortable enough to have your feet placed on it. You can choose the height of the incline. The higher the incline the more the load will be placed on your shoulders. You don’t want it too high as this may compromise your form.


  • Start on your hands and knees
  • Place your hands in front of your around shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.
  • Position your feet on the object you have chosen and adjust your body alignment so it’s in a straight line from the back of your feet to the back of your shoulders.
  • Lower your body and chest until it nearly touches the floor.
  • Push your body back up by extending your arms while squeezing your chest.



Primary: Triceps

Secondary: Anterior deltoids & Pectorals (chest)

The core also is worked by ensuring the body is kept straight and stable.


  • Lay on the floor with your back to the ceiling, extend your arms out and place your hands in a diamond shape position directly below your lower chest.
  • Ensure your body is in a straight line from the back of your feet to the back of your shoulders.
  • Lower your body until your chest is touching your hands. Then push your body back up extending your arms while squeezing your chest & triceps.

Exercise 3: Plyometric push-up

These can be performed in multiple ways. The exploding power movement will get your muscle fibers firing on all cylinders. If you are advanced, you can add a clap in between.


Primary: Pectoral

Secondary: Anterior deltoids & triceps


  • Lay on the floor with your back to the ceiling, extend your arms out and place your hands in a diamond shape position directly below your lower chest.
  • Ensure your body is in a straight line from the back of your feet to the back of your shoulders.
  • Lower your body until your chest is touching your hands.
  • Push your body back up as quickly as you can extending your arms while squeezing your chest & triceps.

After the 3 rounds, you really should be feeling an almighty chest pump, and if your not? Rethink how you are executing and performing the exercises. You really need to concentrate on the squeezing and contraction of the muscles to work the muscle fibers and reap the maximum benefits.


To finish off this workout, and to really fill the chest up with blood, you are going to execute an isometric chest squeeze.

  • While standing with feet shoulder-width apart, simply press your palms together as hard as you can
  • Extend your elbows and arms out in front of you while maintaining the pressure against each of your palms
  • Slowly bend your elbows and bring your hands close to your chest. The movement from extended arms to bent should be performed in around 3 seconds.
  • Repeat the process moving your arms in and out from close to your chest to extended.
  • Try doing this for 15 seconds maximum squeeze.
  • Rest for 30 seconds and go again.
  • Repeat for 3 rounds and your workout is done.

IMPORTANT: All exercises should be performed with proper form and in a safe environment in your home to ensure your safety and prevent injury.

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Joyce is Managing Editor overseeing the coverage of Senonches.

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